Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Jobs and Old Friends

My New Ohana

Last week I started my new job. I will be working as a seater/hostess at Ohana, which is a restaurant at the Polynesian Village Resort. Ohana is open for breakfast and dinner and the food is all you care to enjoy served family style at your table. I was excited to get this assignment because Ohana had always been one of my favorite restaurants and I love the atmosphere of the Polynesian resort. My training was pretty simple. My first day of training I had a culinary day where I worked in the kitchen with the chefs and I got to try all of the food. This day was really helpful in learning more about the restaurant because it is important for everyone working there to understand how the kitchen runs. The rest of my training days were in the front where I learned how to check guests in and how to seat them. Yesterday was my last day of training and was finally set free and got to do everything by myself. I think I will really enjoy working here. I will post a photo of my costume next week! 

My Fairy Godmothers in Training

Veronica and Shelby also started their new job last week. They will be working at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique as Fairy Godmothers in Training at Downtown Disney. They get to transform girls into princesses. So far they really love it there! I know they will be making tons of magic for little princesses. It must be hard work being a fairy godmother in training because one day they came home and fell asleep in their costumes haha

Greg Comes to Florida

Last Thursday my good friend Greg flew down to Orlando. He is living in Chicago but working during the week in New York City so he has been pretty busy the last few months. It was really great to see him! I got to go to some new places here and I also got to show him some of my favorite places. We went to a bar called World of Beer which was sort of like The Tap in Blooomington, but I liked World of Beer a little better I think. We also went to Epcot and ate a the restaurant in Germany. It has been on my list of places to try for a while and I really liked it. I think my aunt and uncle (Billy and Tracy) would loveee it! Sunday we watched the colts game and I got to meet one of Greg's friends that he met while he was in Spain last summer. It was a very fun weekend!

Shelby is feeling 22

Shelby turned 22 on Monday! Even though all of us had to work, we still got to have a little fun. Her family is coming to visit on Thursday so I am sure the birthday celebrating has just begun! 

A Magical Moment

The morning of my first day of training at Ohana I stopped by Hollywood Studios to return my old costumes. As I pulled into the parking lot I saw some hot air balloons in the sky. It was so cool to see! They seemed so low to the ground. I think I will have to add "hot air balloon ride over Disney" to my bucket list. 

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